How can I express an emotion?

 Dear Stuf,

 I have trouble understanding or empathizing with the feelings of others, including my own, and that has affected my life for a long time. I must admit that I am known for my temper and outbursts of aggression, but that has been misunderstood. In more detail, I grew up  all my life with aggressive people, and I wasn't taught how to cry or laugh, so I learned to pretend, feel normal, or at least try. But the aggression  I adopted became  a coping mechanism for me. It's the only way for me to express my feelings. This problem has affected my love life, friendship, even caused problems between me and my family  but they don't know that I got it back from them. I don't know, it makes me wonder if I should be like this or if I  deserve what I'm trying to get. Can someone like me get this? It's an endless list, and I'm sick of  curiosity eating me alive. I swear I don't mean it with what I do or say, I just don't know any other way to express it. Do I deserve these? Or is my fate just written differently in this story? 

 Mr-Matt replied 

 Many of us struggle to recognize many emotions that are neither strong nor strong. Often we don't recognize emotions other than the ones you mentioned, such as hot-tempered, aggressive or  more positive emotions. 

 Everything you experience is  an emotion or a state of mind. The only exception is if the person is in a coma. Whether you can identify it or put a label on it, the feeling is still there. Sometimes many emotions appear in your awareness that confuse us, but one is stronger than the other. 


 For example, if an event is both funny and embarrassing, we choose our response. Any emotion can be used for something, even if they are negative. Instead of changing the feelings you experience, consider how you react to them. It`s usually the reactions that create challenges, not the emotions themselves.  

 Here are some examples of negative emotions: vulnerability, fearfulness, worried, stress, lonely, heartbroken, gloomy, disappointed, hopeless, grieved, unhappy, lost, troubled, resigned, miserable, disgusted, doubtful, nervous, anxious, terrified, panicked, horrified, desperate, confused, stressed, annoyed, frustrated, peeved, contrary, bitter, infuriated, irritated, mad, cheated, vengeful, insulted, dislike, disgust, loathing, disapproving, offended, horrified, uncomfortable, nauseous, disturbed, withdrawal, aversion, anger, helpless, boredom, shame, doubt, envy, frustration, guilt, contempt, irritation, anxiety, powerless, embarrassment, hurt, despair, sadness, agitation, tension, shock, and agitation. 


 We can identify many positive emotions, like joy, delight, happiness, exhilaration, gratitude, thankfulness, reverence, serenity, calm, peaceful, acceptance, interest, curiosity, fascination, inspiration, uplifted, optimism, hope, anticipation, approval, pleasure, amusement, lightheartedness pleasure, Enjoyment, smiles, laughter, pride, acceptance, fun, achievement, skills, personal attributes, motivation, joy, contentment accomplishment, fulfilling and confidence. 


 I suggest that you repeat each emotion out loud and attempt to connect with each one. You will realize the experience so that you can say what you say with more expertise. 

 Usually, certain activities that you may notice posted by others will set a mood that you can recognize. They can be Surprise (of the right kind!) - the feeling of joy when someone gives you unexpected happiness or an even better situation than you expected. Relief - the feeling of joy you feel when an uncertain situation turns out to be for the best or a negative outcome is averted. Another might be joy - a feeling of enjoyment with what's happening around you, especially in situations like entertainment or a  social gathering.  There are times when you may have a slight feeling that whatever is happening is not very important. Maybe you see a sports result that makes no sense to you. In such a case, you will register no emotion other than a dispassionate awareness of what is happening in the sport. Or if someone shows you pictures of their parents' babies, it doesn't mean anything to you. No significant emotions can register in your consciousness. Just because you're inexperienced in identifying certain emotions right now doesn't mean you can't learn the subtle changes in your mind when you're exposed to them. 


 There are a few things you wonder about. "Do I deserve these or is my destiny just written differently in this story?" My answer is that you are a worthy man, a decent, intelligent, deep thinker who needs to be more aware of the control and power you have over your behavior. me. 


 When feelings of upset, anger, or rage flare up, there are better ways to deal with things than letting your brain  take control as heightened emotions often last longer than you'd like. Having a technique based on neuroscience  can be very helpful. One helpful article  I recommend is called the 90 Second Rule for Controlling Your Emotions. If you want to know how to be more in control of yourself, this article explains the chemistry of what happens when  anger takes over your mind and suggests how to handle things.


 With anger, what you can do is reset all your expectations of yourself and everyone else in your universe. Give everyone a break by: 


 0.Assuming that other people, including your family, can't read your mind about what will make you happy. 

  1.  Expect your people not to live up to your rigid expectations of them; 

2. Don't fall victim to others when they say or do things against your wishes; 

3. Know that you are not a victim of circumstances; 

 4.Accept things as they are, instead of getting angry at what happens; and 

5. Realize that you can face anything that happens in life because you are a survivor! 

6. I believe  these six things will help you find more balance in your life. Check them out for a while and see if they work for you. 

The  question that remains is: are you worthy of what awaits you? Only you can find the answer. I believe you are worthy, justifiable, and entitled to make the choices and decisions you deserve. Only you have the absolute right to determine your worth. You have a single vote for yourself. We could line up 1,000 people who claim that you are a valuable, worthy, and lovable human being, and it makes absolutely no difference if you think that's wrong. A  score of 0 will appear next to your name because you are the only one with an actual vote on you. As the ruler of your own universe, your word is the law! Conversely, if you think you're fine, thousands of people might say you're worthless trash in the universe, then you're fine. Again, you have your only vote.

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