Too bored to leave my room

 Dear STUF,

 Over the past few months I've been feeling so depressed that I don't leave my room all day. I'm a full-time call center agent, I work night shifts, and I'm also a full-time student. There are times when I want to cry, and there are times when I don't want to eat, but in the end I end up overeating every 2-3 hours. I am overweight and  want to lose weight but it keeps going off track. I always feel like I'm not good enough to make people  want to hang around me. I live with my mother now, but I'm not very open  about my feelings, so it's very difficult to find someone to talk to. Help. What should I do? I want to get better. I want to gain the confidence to go out and communicate like before. I want to  work and study well. Help! 

 Reply to Terry Ann 

 Thank you for your letter to the Elder Wisdom Circle about your current dilemma. We're sorry you seem stuck in a life cycle that's hard to improve or eliminate. 

 I think one of your problems is that you're not feeling well and you comfort yourself with delicious but potentially unhealthy food. My first suggestion is  to join a gym and start working out. I know you can be shy about your weight, but  gym folks will want to help you be the healthiest woman you can be. Exercising and losing weight is hard work. I know because I had to do it after the kids were born. 

 If you are using social media, I recommend  you to stop. People post pictures that look like they are living a great, exciting life. They don't. It seems to do just that. It's very frustrating when you feel left out. 

 We also advise you not to spend a lot of time watching the news on TV. Talk about sedatives. You and I are either wrong or cannot mend all the damage people do to each other. It's sad and disheartening to see how people can be so mean. Say a little prayer for those who have been hurt by bad news. A little prayer always makes me feel better and I hope it helps those I pray for. 

 I will be praying for you. You have a  lifetime ahead of you and can control  what happens. You have a lot  to do to make your life better, and once you start dieting and exercising you will start to feel better physically, which will give you the energy to do what you need to do. You will be amazed at how quickly you will see results. You only have one life, so  make  the best of it. I know you can do it. 

 I hope my advice will be helpful and  if you need us please contact the Elder Widdom Circle again. We are always here

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